Ice battery for dairy farming
Storing cold energy in ice, our ice accumulator delivers large quantities of ice cold water, allowing you to cool your milk faster without the risk of freezing.
This ice battery is compatible with our complete range of ice water cooled cooling tanks (-DIB), which are specifically designed for use with ice water.
In addition, the ice battery can store energy when electricity is cheaper, for example during off-peak hours or through renewable sources on your farm.
The available cold energy eliminates the peak load, to cool the milk during milking.
Its simple operation makes it ideal for cooling your milk efficiently and cost-effectively, while maintaining quality.
- PIB: 8kWh – 370 kWh

Advantages of Pac Cool ice battery
for dairy farming
- Rapid cooling of milk: thanks to efficient cooling, lower germ counts and free fatty acid levels are achieved, improving milk quality and shelf life.
- No risk of freezing: even with automatic milking systems such as robotic milking, there is no risk of the milk freezing, ensuring consistent milk quality.
- Lower peak load on the power grid: as the ice is built up between milkings, the demand for electricity during peak times is reduced, increasing the efficiency of energy consumption.
- Suitable for in-line cooling: the system is designed to cool large quantities of milk directly to 4°C before entering the storage tank, contributing to quality and efficiency.
- Lower electricity costs: ice creation during off-peak hours. This system can work optimally with renewable energy sources such as solar panels, wind turbine, reducing electricity bills.
Ice battery for commercial kitchens
Cooling with ice water is the ideal method for cooling cooking kettles in commercial kitchens specifically as part of the Cook and Chill method.
This is a technique in which cooked products are quickly cooled to a safe temperature to minimise bacterial growth and preserve freshness.
This cooling process must comply with current EU food safety directives.
We provide ice water cooling solutions, such as ice accumulators, which can be customised based on customer requirements.
Close cooperation with cooker manufacturers allows us to provide the right refrigeration solutions for commercial kitchens and food processing facilities in Europe.
- PIB: 8kWh – 370 kWh
Advantages of Pac Cool ice battery
for commercial kitchens
- Fast cooling of products.
- No risk of freezing, ensuring preservation of product quality.
- Lower electricity costs: ice creation during off-peak hours. This system can work optimally with renewable energy sources such as solar panels, wind turbine, reducing electricity bills.
- Immediate and maximum availability of cold energy.
Ice battery for process lines
Ice water has long been used for food cooling and process cooling in general.
This is because it is capable of rapidly cooling large quantities of product.
An ice accumulator can store a lot of energy in a relatively small area.
This compact plant can produce ice water with a temperature of 0.5 to 1°C.
Usable for various applications and there is no danger of freezing despite the low temperature of the water.
- PIB: 8kWh – 370 kWh
Advantages of Pac Cool ice battery
for process lines
- Fast cooling of products.
- No risk of freezing, ensuring preservation of product quality.
- Smaller cooling systems thanks to ice accumulation for several hours.
- Lower electricity costs: ice creation during off-peak hours. This system can work optimally with renewable energy sources such as solar panels, wind turbine, reducing electricity bills.
- Immediate and maximum availability of cold energy.
Falling film chillers for process lines
Ice water has long been used for food cooling and process cooling in general.
This compact chiller can produce instant ice water of 0.5 - 1°C.
The falling film is capable of cooling large quantities of product very quickly.
Usable for various applications and there is no danger of freezing despite the low temperature of the water.
- vanaf 8kWh
Advantages of Pac Cool ice battery
- Fast cooling of products.
- No risk of freezing, ensuring preservation of product quality.
- Instant production of ice water at 0.5-1°C.
- High efficiency.
- Limited maintenance required.